Klay Instruments offers a complete range of PT-100 temperature sensors in 3-wire execution for industrial applications, with various insertion lengths and diameters. Standard accuracy is class A, 1/3 DIN according to IEC60751. Many different process connections are available, such as G½”, G1″, DIN milkcoupling, Tri-clamp and Flanges. The connection heads are available in form B (aluminum), BBK (polyamide) or in All Stainless Steel execution with bayonet – or screwcover. Besides the single 3-wire system also a “double” system (2 x PT100) is available. Various head mounted transmitters can be supplied in the connection heads, with output 4-20 mA or HART Protocol.

Operating Principle:
Temperature Indicator TransmitterFeatures:
- Standard accuracy 1/3 DIN
- Fast response
- Hygienic process connections
- All stainless housing
- Vibration resistant
- Fast deliveries
- Head mounted transmitters
For industrial applications, with various insertion lengths and diameters.
- accuracy class 1/3 DIN (1/5 or 1/10 DIN optional, extra price)
- material “wetted parts”: SS 316 (other materials available, i.e. Hast.C)
- material SS connection heads (code C/D): SS 304 (optional: SS 316) – Exchangable element (option, code P1)
- Please specify longer head extension (P2)